2014/10/07 7:42 pm

Math and Kids

Catalogado en: eBooks


Math and Kids

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Who knew that math could be so cool? Crammed with games, puzzles, and trivia, The Everything Kids’ Math Puzzles Book puts the fun back into playing with numbers!

Our mission: to make math a fun part of kids’ everyday lives.
We all know it’s wonderful to read bedtime stories to kids, but what about doing math? Many generations of Americans are uncomfortable with math and numbers, and too often we hear the phrase, «I’m just not good at math!» For decades, this attitude has trickled down from parents to their kids, and we now have a culture that finds math dry, intimidating, and just not cool.

Humorous, reproducible math mystery stories will give your math sleuths a chance to have fun while practicing important math problem solving skills. They’re just perfect for classwork and homework and help you meet the NCTM standards. For use with Grades 4-8.

Just as cookies go with milk and peanut butter goes with jelly, math and cooking go hand in hand. This fun-filled book shows you exactly how.

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